this letter in the guardian really broke my heart. here's just one bit of it:
Many thousands of children are isolated, unhappy, have eating disorders, self-harm or commit suicide. One in three children has a diagnosable mental health disorder – and that's just the ones that have been classified.
it seems so helpless. what can we do?
i heard one guy on the radio yesterday say that his civic duty was to bring his kids up well 'and they've never been in trouble' was his proof. but is more than that required?
The letter of James in the bible says: Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress.
it's not jsut about our own kids, its about other peoples kids too. i take my hat off to anyone who works with kids to make their world a better place - teachers, kids club leaders, youthworkers, play groups, those who go out of their way, out of their life, even to offer life and hope to children who most need it.
here's a quick shout for some of these people of 'true religion'
Dave and his team at 'thursday Club' S0uthcourt Baptist Church in Aylesbury - years of dedication and loving kids, so may lives have been changed.
Tim and Maz in South Africa - check them out, an amazing story, amazing impact on the lives of children
Viv and Karin At Vineyard Aylesbury - what a big hearts! More than just 'Sunday School'
Ron & Jackie - somewhere in Devon. Real Kids heroes. (mine too)
Binu and the team at OM india - god bless their passion for giving kids a step up in life. if you have a few coppers to spare - send it this way.
all these people are heroes to me.
who else could you add to the list?
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