Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Behaviour / Values

Agreeing what we stand for and how we wnat to live & holding each other to account
Can't really beat the monastic orders on this one - Poverty chastity and obedience.
This all comes out of what we really believe in

Purity - all the usual stuff
Simplicity - against the tide of 'me first' consumerism
Obedience - taking jesus at his word (eg st Francis)


Imposed structure in unstructured lives - we would never get around to the important things

Like we need weekly 'church', small group, daily 'quiet time'

" i suppose it acts as a good fitness programme... not simply doing 10 press ups, but offering a framework to build healthy habits and lives" (Lings - encounters on the edge no 29. p20)

communal discipline - everyone doing the same thing (eg daily office) everyone singing from the same Tim hughes sheet/scriptues/devotional thoughts/books etc.
Gives a sense of 'together'. also learning 'together' hearing from God 'together' . worshiping 'together' (in the full sense of the word, not the 'singing songs to jesus'

(possible) Actions

  • Meet at set, regular intervals for prayer worship....
  • Find a way of doing communal acts on whilst being apart eg: use a version of the office (invite Ricky gervais) to pray at agreed times in the day
  • use the same bible reading plan
  • read the same books
  • go to gatherings together
  • taking action together (eg disciples in acts)


Passages like John 17 seem to make it pretty clear that we are supposed to do this following jesus in strong relationship groups.
Stronger Together.
i am my brothers keeper (nothing to do with Promise keepers!)
share one anothers burdens
confess your sins one to another
if you see a brother sin and haul him back...
knowing someone else knows
knowing someone else understands
spurring one another on

praying for each other
meeting together
looking out for one another
asking the 'hard' question