Sunday, February 03, 2008

Hoodies RythmRools?

OK - heres some thoughts on how a bunch of mates can help each other live more effectively, more authentically as followers of Jesus.

i've arranged them (the thoughts) under 4 posts - Relationship, Discipline, Behaviour (values) and Inclusion. Arranged as 'Concepts' and 'Actions'. There is posibly a 5th heading 'Action' but i'm not sure if thats a little bit futher down the line.

they are only 'starters for 10' designed to get everyone thinking - i recognise that they are my thougths, none of which are original, gleaned form books blogs talks the bible and good old 'gut feelings' and as such incomplete and wholy inadequate. the whole point of this kind of thing is that its a shared expression

please respond and add your thougths to the comments on the blog. If you have some key texts, biblical, theological, fictional or illogical, add them too. If you add recommended reading, it helps to give some sort of quote.

Hopefully, by the time we meet up again, we'll have something to talk about.

oh, and everything presupposes that we are serious about seeking God and want to know more of him in our lives and live truer to Him, each other and our calling.

Apologies in advance for annoying or bad language - it always gets in the way. As someone once said ... if necesary use words.



most people don't get it

they don't get what we believe

they don't get what we do (they think: go to church, pray and read the bible)

even when they 'invite jesus into their lives' -they mostly still don't get it

How about inviting others to 'walk with us' - joining our chosen 'rythm', accepting to live our 'rule'? even if only for a while.