It's awesome the way God seems to have orchestrated Easter to coincide with the onset of Spring! (well for us in Western Europe at least!) Spring has the same message as Easter. Life is possible out of seeming death.
It' a beautiful day here, and I've just seen the first Swallow of the year. He (or she) has just flown in from Africa, possibly even The Cape where we spent part of our winter. he comes here 'by instinct' - God has put a knid of homing device within him. He is here because he expects to find warmth, life, food, growth and reproduction. All that and more is what Jesus had in mind for us as he suffered the brutality of his death, his darkest hour, his winter.
It' a beautiful day here, and I've just seen the first Swallow of the year. He (or she) has just flown in from Africa, possibly even The Cape where we spent part of our winter. he comes here 'by instinct' - God has put a knid of homing device within him. He is here because he expects to find warmth, life, food, growth and reproduction. All that and more is what Jesus had in mind for us as he suffered the brutality of his death, his darkest hour, his winter.
The swallow expects his Spring, he flies a few thousand miles to find it, God lays it on plate for him. The quesion is, are we expecting to find our Spring? We, like the swallow instinctively know where to find it. Are we willing for the journey? If we go we can be sure Spring will be there, for the Good God , Jesus himself, has laid it on.. a cross.